We’ve been informed that the department has officially revised its projections for what used to be called the motor vehicle use-tax, but now is called a registration fee on sale of motor vehicles. That continues to be the basis for determining the amount of funding that is available as state transit assistance. The new projection indicates that FY2010 state transit...
The Passenger Transportation Funding Study mandated by the 2007 General Assembly is getting underway. URS, a consulting firm out of Minneapolis, with offices in Urbandale, has been contracted to conduct the study. The study will identify what the transit needs are in Iowa, what level of funding is necessary to meet those needs and identify possible means to generate that...
Please note the following events, which will be eligible for transit training fellowships. Please note the very short timeline for the first event. If you are interested in sending someone, please get your fellowship application to cover 80% of travel and lodging costs to Laurie Carnahan of this office as soon as possible, in advance of the event. CTAA’s Transportation...
In the process of trying to close out a number of issues that came up during the review of our administration of FTA programs conducted by FTA’s contractors, we went back through a number of related policy announcements that we want to make sure everyone is heeding. Facility Maintenance Plans Required to be on File with OPT Back on November...