Staff are still going through the consolidated transit funding applications that came in May 1, but we wanted to give you all advanced notice that there will, for sure, be a second round of applications for the Public Transit Infrastructure Grant funds this year, as well as for New Freedom and for JARC. The application deadline for the second round...
FTA yesterday awarded the state-wide grant for Iowa’s non-urbanized allocation of transit investment funds under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act for just over $15 million. Local transit systems had already used the advanced authority to incur costs issued by FTA to encumber $6,782,856 of the grant funds by placing orders for 87 of the vehicles and awarding construction contracts...
Attached is a spreadsheet showing who has used the transit levies since 1995. This includes both the municipal levy and the special “regional” levy authorized three years ago for counties with over 175,000 population (Polk and Linn) if they form a regional transit district, which could then include adjacent counties as well. To date only Polk County has implemented the...
Most transit systems participated in Wednesday’s PTMS programming session, but for everyone who did not, we wanted to share the results of this year’s process. A total of $7,381,000 was programmed, including the SAFETEA-LU earmark of $3,291,000, the appropriation earmark of $3,800,000, and $190,000 released from prior year projects that came in under budget. As recommended by the PTMS advisory...