Clarification on Salary Reporting for Stimulus Subrecipients I’ve had several questions about exactly what needs to be reported, so I’ll try to elaborate in a couple of areas. It is our understanding from participating in the OMB webinars on this reporting that the report is to be based on the five highest compensated employees of the legal entity with which...
Info Needed for Stimulus Reporting We have are fast approaching the due date for the first of the statutorily-required progress reports on our three state-wide stimulus grants. The report of information required by Section 1201(c) of the act covers the period from the date it was signed to July 31. OPT is required to submit the report to FTA. Looking...
Commission Approves FY10 Discretionary Projects At their monthly meeting this morning, the Iowa Transportation Commissioners approved discretionary portions of the FY2010 Transit Program. This included one first round project under the Public Transit Infrastructure Grant program, 18 first round Job Access/Reverse Commute projects, with 10 being for transit systems in small urbanized areas and eight in non-urbanized areas, and 15...