Public Involvement Projects

November 2009

Fall Transit Program Recommendations Presented to Commission

November 18, 2009

Attached is the presentation made to the Iowa Transportation Commission regarding funding of projects for which applications were received October 1st. The November 9th presentation was informational. The Commission will act upon these recommendations at their next meeting, which will be December 8th. Peter Hallock, Assistant Director Office of Public Transit ph. 515-239-1765 fax 515-233-7983 Attachments FY10 Transit Program Comm...

OPT Presentation to Department for the Blind's Public Transit Forum

November 3, 2009

Some of you may have seen comments in yesterday’s Sunday Des Moines Register concerning our presentation to the Public Transit Forum hosted by the Iowa Department for the Blind on Saturday. I am attaching the PowerPoint that we presented as a lead in to Bill Troe’s presentation on the Passenger Transportation Funding Study. These slides were originally put together as...

OPT Presentation to Department for the Blind's Public Transit Forum

November 3, 2009

Some of you may have seen comments in yesterday’s Sunday Des Moines Register concerning our presentation to the Public Transit Forum hosted by the Iowa Department for the Blind on Saturday. I am attaching the PowerPoint that we presented as a lead in to Bill Troe’s presentation on the Passenger Transportation Funding Study. These slides were originally put together as...


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