Public Involvement Projects

December 2009

Getting ARRA Projects Closed

December 24, 2009

Over a third of the transit vehicles programmed under the non-urbanized ARRA grant have now been delivered. Many have come in at prices significantly below the original programmed amount. We need to make sure that any local make-ready work is completed quickly, so that the individual projects can be closed out and any remaining funds reprogrammed so that additional vehicles...

Commission Approves Recommended PTIG/NF/JARC/Intercity Bus projects

December 10, 2009

At their meeting Tuesday morning (conducted telephonically), the Iowa Transportation Commission approved all staff-recommended projects from the second round of FY2010 Infrastructure, New Freedom and Job Access applications, as well as the Calendar 2010 Intercity Bus applications. A listing of the approved projects is attached. Peter Hallock, Assistant Director Office of Public Transit ph. 515-239-1765 fax 515-233-7983 Attachments fall_2009_transit_program.xls

FY11 Application Package Now Online

December 10, 2009

We have posted our FY2011 application package out on IATRANSIT.COM. This includes the updated programming guidance for vehicles, as well as the funding projections for STA and 5310/5311. Note that because there is not yet an FY2011 appropriation at the federal level, the projections for federal funding have been based on the state-wide totals received last year. Once an appropriation...


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