Reminder on Fellowship Eligibility Please remember that fellowships can be used for more than just transit system employees. Transit system or planning agencies can request fellowships to sponsor board members, contractors, consumers or human service agency partners to attend training activities/events when you can present a rationale that such training will benefit the transit program. This can include both local...
Just wanted to let everyone know that the decision was made that system wishing to send more than two persons to the FTA regional conference may apply for additional fellowships, which could be for either staff or contractors. No new cap has been set -- each application will be individually considered. Since the time is drawing near, please get any...
I know that many of you are well aware of this, but just to make sure everyone is on the same page, I thought I would share this. The website referenced,, seems to be a fairly good resource. Peter Hallock, Assistant Director Office of Public Transit ph. 515-239-1765 fax 515-233-7983 Attachments Narrowbanding Docs.pdf
The attached information was presented to the Iowa Public Transit Association, March 2, 2010. If you have questions about the details on any of the topics, give us a call. Peter Hallock, Assistant DirectorOffice of Public Transit ph. 515-239-1765 fax 515-233-7983 Attachments IPTA Presentation 3-2-10.ppt