Public Involvement Projects

May 2010

Transit Fellowships Available for Mississippi Valley Conference

May 25, 2010

The Iowa DOT is hosting a meeting of the Mississippi Valley Conference of the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials at the Marriott in downtown Des Moines, July 6-8th. The meeting will include sessions on the outlook for reauthorization, the incorporation of public art into projects, etc. A copy of the full draft agenda can be found at...

FTA Publishes Final FFY10 Formula Apportionments

May 17, 2010

FTA published the final FFY10 formula apportionments in yesterday’s Federal Register. The full notice can be accessed at: I’ve tried to pull out the numbers that relate to Iowa in the attached sheet. A special congratulation to Sioux City Transit for increasing their ridership per revenue mile sufficiently qualify for a share of the Transit Incentive Cities incentive tier...

FY10 Capital Program Approved; Expanded Fellowship Opportunities

May 11, 2010

FY10 Capital Program Approved At their meeting this morning, the Iowa Transportation Commission approved the state-wide transit capital program for FY2010. That action had been delayed a couple of months due to earlier anticipation of a second federal stimulus program under the Jobs Bill. Programming of 40 vehicles for 13 Iowa transit systems were approved, 29 of the vehicles will...

Projected STA Allocations Revised

May 6, 2010

The official estimate of revenues has been revised by the Office of Program Management, which in turn changes our Projected STA Allocation. The projected funding for this program has been decreased from $11,201,797 to $10,238,656. Of that amount $300,000 will still be set aside for Special Project funding and the Large Urban Fellowship Program, leaving $9,938,656 for formula payments. The...


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