Public Involvement Projects

January 2011

Transit training workshops

January 31, 2011

This spring, the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee is offering the following courses: Paratransit Scheduling and Dispatching; Transit Fleet Management; Passenger Assistance: Certification for Trainers; Fundamentals of Public Transit; and Operational Policy Development. See links on the website for more information. School of Continuing Education (SCE)

Implementing Rural Transit Technology course

January 25, 2011

Length: 2 Day(s) Audience: This course is geared for transit professionals, state DOT office staff, and regional planners involved in planning and implementing technology-based applications for rural transit operations. Description: Rural transit providers are interested in exploring how technology can help increase operating efficiencies and improve safety. Technology can transform scheduling and dispatching operations, provide new levels of customer service,...

Iowa Transportation Commission approves $5 million for Iowa transit systems

January 12, 2011

AMES, Iowa – Jan. 11, 2011 –The Iowa Transportation Commission today approved $5 million in projects to assist the state’s transit agencies in replacing vehicles. The Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) was awarded $5 million for transit rolling stock replacement projects under the Fiscal Year 2010 federal Bus and Bus Facilities program in support of the State of Good Repair...

Iowa Transportation Commission approves 2011 public transit projects

January 11, 2011

AMES, Iowa – Jan. 11, 2011 – Today, the Iowa Transportation Commission (Commission) approved more than $2.7 million in funding to support 29 public transit projects. The projects are funded under the state Public Transit Infrastructure Grant Fund and federal Job Access and Reverse Commute (JARC), New Freedom, and Intercity Bus Assistance programs. Public Transit Infrastructure Grant Fund The Public...

Understanding ADA

January 10, 2011

Course Length: 4 hours Audience: This course is intended for people who work at a transit agency or provide transit service, those who manage or operate paratransit services, and federal, state and local representatives who work with the ADA community. It is recommended that this course is completed before attending other ADA-related courses. Description: The goal of this course is...

The Iowa DOT’s Office of Public Transit is fully staffed

January 10, 2011

It is a happy New Year! Mike Tiedens started as a transit program administrator today, making the Office of Public Transit fully staffed. Mike joins us from Ruan Transportation Management Systems where he has been for the past 10 years. His career to date has been in the trucking transportation business as a fleet manager, logistics manager and senior logistics...

AASHTO statement on Highway Trust Fund rule change

January 6, 2011

WASHINGTON, DC – AASHTO Executive Director John Horsley today issued the following statement regarding the adoption of a House of Representatives rules package that changes Rule XXI, clause 3: "We are disappointed that House Republicans voted to rescind a guarantee that Highway Trust Fund revenues would be spent to fund the critical highway and transit programs that millions of Americans...


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