MASON CITY — Frank Strong of Des Moines is a man with a mission — and he’s hoping to take as many people as he can along for the ride. Read article
It is a great pleasure to announce that DOT is putting a terrific commercial bus safety tool in the hands of the people who can use it best: passengers. The SaferBus App delivers the latest bus safety information from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration's Safety Measurement System to your iPhone or iPad so... Read the U.S. Department of Transportation...
OTTUMWA, IA -- Ottumwa City Council will be voting to approve the appointment of Diane Gawronski to the permanent position of transit director. Read article
Gov. Terry Branstad on Thursday morning announced dozens of appointments to various state boards and commissions. The appointees’ terms generally are set to begin on May 1, and are subject to... Read article
According to a report released today by the American Public Transportation Association (APTA), Americans took 10.4 billion trips on public transportation in 2011, the second highest annual ridership since 1957. Only ridership in 2008, when gas rose to... Read the article
DUBUQUE, Iowa - A new report from the American Public Transportation Association shows 10.4 billion Americans rode public transportation last year. That’s the second-highest total in more than 50 years. In Dubuque, the number of people using the city bus system leaped by... Read article
DART plan would provide service for 'hop around' riders Imagine you’re on your way to a friend’s dinner party. Instead of driving to her downtown loft, you take the bus. You get off at The Cheese Shop on 42nd Street to pick up a sampling of cheeses. You hop back on the bus only to get off again at... Read...