Public Involvement Projects

April 2012

Spring 2012 Transit Update

April 18, 2012

April may bring showers, but May Day is the deadline day. The Transit Update's spring 2012 edition highlights the consolidated funding application deadline, the... Spring 2012 Transit Update TransitCares … IowaCare transportation funding Public Transit Advisory Council (PTAC) Meeting Agenda (draft) Public Transit Operator Defensive Driving

Musical ride

April 16, 2012

Frank Strong, a troubadour of transit, hitches a DART ride in FD — and he’s eager to sing about it. As the bus pulled into the flow of downtown Fort Dodge traffic Friday afternoon, the man with the red and white guitar... Read article

UI and I.C. to offer free shuttles to Olympic Trials

April 12, 2012

With almost 11,000 tickets already sold for the coming Olympic Wrestling Trials, local transit officials are anticipating quite an increase in traffic between the University of Iowa’s Carver-Hawkeye Arena and... Read the article

Transit to Fort Dodge

April 11, 2012

MASON CITY, IA - A local transit group is now taking folks to Fort Dodge, which may help them get some much needed medical... Read the article

Iowa City to unveil "bus wraps" for Olympic Trials today

April 10, 2012

The city of Iowa City will be showing off a new look for a few of its buses for the U.S. Olympic Wrestling Trials later this month... Read article

Des Moines wants rapid-transit buses

April 10, 2012

More than $1 million in local dollars has been pledged to date for a bus rapid transit project in Des Moines, and local backers are hopeful... Des Moines Register article


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