A park and ride location at Polk County River Place was approved on Tuesday. The Polk County Board of Supervisors and the Des Moines Area Regional Transit Authority (DART) approved the location at 2309 Euclid Ave. in the southwest corner of the parking lot. DesMoinesRegister.com
Decorah, IA – A team from Northeast Iowa has been selected to participate in the 2012-2013 Job Access Mobility Institute. As one of seven community teams selected nationwide by The Joblinks Employment Transportation Center, a program... Upper Explorerland Regional Planning Commission (PDF)
A program begun earlier this year giving refugees living in the Des Moines area reduced bus fares is gaining attention and praise. Lavinia Limon, president of the U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants, a nonprofit, was in Des Moines on Wednesday to present a certificate of appreciation to the Des Moines Area Regional Transit Authority. DesMoinesRegister article
There’s been a lot of talk surrounding major changes in how public transportation is delivered in the Des Moines metro area. Now, passengers are about to feel the full impact of the transformation of the Des Moines Area Regional Transit Authority (DART) into a truly regional service. DesMoinesRegister article
Linn County LIFTS has successfully upgraded their fleet of 22 vehicles with RouteMatch Software's tablet technology after deciding to replace their aging mobile data computers (MDCs) with an easier, more cost effective and reliable wireless solution. uspolitics.einnews.com article
UhaulCarShare is placing one vehicle, a Mazda 3, on campus for the start of the 2012 fall semester. The vehicle will be available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to all students, faculty and staff members, 18 years of age and older. Metro-Magazine.com article