Public Involvement Projects

October 2012

DART station merges art, functionality

October 30, 2012

It’s been awhile since we needed horses to get around town, but in a surprising way, downtown’s new bus station pays tribute to their service. article

MET Transit seeing surge in new riders

October 25, 2012

WATERLOO, Iowa --- The Metropolitan Transit Authority is experiencing a surge in bus riders. The agency, which provides public transportation in the Waterloo/Cedar Falls area, saw a 15.1 percent jump in overall ridership during the months of July through September compared to the same quarter last year.

Iowa City takes lead in commuting

October 23, 2012

IOWA CITY, Iowa - You see it every morning and evening along Interstate 380: thousands of cars with only their drivers aboard. But fewer than 70 percent of Iowa City residents fit that stereotype of the American commuter, according to new data from the Census’ American Community Survey. That’s below the state (80.5 percent) and national (76.4) average, as well...

Replacing transit buses a challenge under new highway bill

October 9, 2012

DES MOINES, Iowa - How to replace aging public transit buses is one of the questions Iowa transportation leaders could struggle with under the new MAP-21 highway funding law that takes effect Monday. article

MTA initiates 1st public survey

October 9, 2012

CLINTON — The Municipal Transit Administration is looking for input from the public with a new transit needs survey. MTA officials announced plans for their first public input survey at a Transit Action Group meeting on Thursday. article


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