On a morning when temperatures hovered below freezing, the Des Moines Area Regional Transit Authority’s new transit hub was a welcome waiting area, bus passengers said. The retooled bus routes, though, might take some time with... DesMoinesRegister.com
The Linn County Transportation Advisory Group announced the launch of two new services to help people meet their transportation needs. A telephone service, 365-RIDE, and a companion website, 365ride.org, will provide easy access to information about transportation providers in the area and also work with residents to find solutions to their transportation challenges. The phone service, 365-RIDE (365-7433), will initially...
The Iowa DOT’s Office of Public Transit covered several topics in a presentation to Iowa Public Transit Association members during the Iowa Public Transit Training Conference and Midyear Meeting held in Des Moines Nov. 14-16. If you were unable to attend this meeting, you are encouraged to view the PowerPoint® presentation linked below. IPTA presentation MAP-21 presentation for IPTA
MUSCATINE, Iowa —Kristi Korpi has worn many hats in Muscatine — social worker, bus driver, administrator, wife, mother. She worked her way up through the ranks as a City of Muscatine employee to become... MuscatineJournal.com article