MASON CITY — United Way of North Central Iowa, in partnership with Region 2 Transit, will provide bus service to businesses and industries throughout North Iowa. Read more...
Best Transit Bus Operator, Maintenance Crew, Grand Champion, and Customer Service Challenge Winners Named. The Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority of Philadelphia, PA won the Grand Champion Award at the 38th International Bus Roadeo. Held in conjunction with the American Public Transportation Association’s (APTA) Bus and Paratransit Conference in Indianapolis, IN this week, it was hosted by IndyGo and took place...
Budgets cuts are forcing the ‘Loop' bus service to cut back on Thursdays and Sundays. "It's just a sad fact that if you only have 40 or 50 people riding it, it's just entirely too expensive to continue," says Becky Passman, Iowa Quad Cities Transit Coordinator. Read more...
Could you get around without owning your own car? Efforts in Des Moines are making it easier. If you need proof, read how one man does it. Adam Hammes, 32, doesn’t sit, white-knuckled, cursing the tedium of stop-and-go traffic on I-235 westbound in the morning. Read more...
There is a new player in the public transportation market. Winnebago Industries of Forest City will be making Metro Link, a mid-sized vehicle geared toward the public transportation and transit markets.