AMES, Iowa – June 26, 2013 – Two Iowa transit vehicle operators are headed for national and international level competition by earning top honors in Iowa's 25th Annual Public Transit Roadeo held in Ames on June 22. Nathan Shimanek, representing CyRide in Ames, placed first in the small bus competition. Paul Klimesh, representing CyRide in Ames, placed first in the...
AMES, Iowa – June, 20, 2013 – The Iowa Department of Transportation’s Office of Public Transit is pleased to announce the winners of the 2013 Iowa Public Transit Photography Contest. Many great photographs were received showcasing public transit across the state. These pictures will be used to further promote taking public transit to get to work, medical appointments, school or...
The Iowa DOT’s Office of Public Transit covered several topics in a presentation to Iowa Public Transit Association members during the Iowa Public Transit Training Conference and Annual Meeting held in Ames, June 19-22. If you were unable to attend, you are encouraged to view presentation linked below. IPTA presentation (PDF)
Regional Transit Authority (RIDES) announcement
AMES, Iowa – June 3, 2013 – The Iowa Department of Transportation will be partnering with public transit systems across the state in proclaiming June as Public Transit Appreciation Month. More... Iowa DOT