Public Involvement Projects

June 2014

Iowa Bus Roadeo selects transit operators to compete at national and international event

June 30, 2014

AMES, Iowa – June 30, 2014 – Two Iowa transit vehicle operators are headed for national and international level competition by earning top honors in Iowa's 28th Annual Public Transit Roadeo held in Davenport on June 21. Don Dopson, representing Clinton Municipal Transit Administration in Clinton, placed first in the small bus competition. Paul Klimesh, representing CyRide in Ames, placed...

Iowa DOT honors public transit systems

June 30, 2014

AMES, Iowa – June 30, 2014, Transit systems from Ottumwa, Burlington, and Decorah have been honored by the Iowa Department of Transportation for their accomplishments during the 2013 fiscal year. Each year at the Iowa Public Transit Association Conference and Annual Meeting, the Iowa DOT recognizes one regional transit system and one urban transit system for the highest percentage increase...

2014 Iowa Public Transit Photography Contest winners announced

June 23, 2014

AMES, Iowa – June 20, 2014 – The Iowa Department of Transportation’s Office of Public Transit is pleased to announce the winners of the 2014 Iowa Public Transit Photography Contest. Many great photographs were received showcasing public transit across the state. These pictures will be used to further promote taking public transit to get to work, medical appointments, school, or...

Iowa DOT partners with Iowa public transportation systems for Ride Transit Week - June 15-21

June 17, 2014

AMES, Iowa – June 15, 2014 – The Iowa Department of Transportation is partnering with public transit systems across the state in proclaiming the week of June 15-21 as Ride Transit Week. During this event, everyone is encouraged to park their vehicle and use one of Iowa’s 35 public transit systems. Office of Public Transit Director Michelle McEnany reported, “Public...

CyRide driver places first and wins Rookie of the Year in national competition

June 10, 2014

AMES, Iowa – A CyRide bus driver, Nathan Shimanek, reached the top position in his first national bus driving competition by beating out 68 other competitors to win a first place award and to be honored as Rookie of the Year. The Community Transportation Association of America’s 25th Annual National Bus Roadeo in its small bus division held recently in...


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